Interview by Rahma Raye Saleh
Hey Ciara, how are you doing?
I’m very good thank you! Trying to keep sane amongst the madness that is 2020!
Let’s start with how you began your fitness and health journey?
My mum is super active, even from when I went to primary school, she would make me and my three siblings walk the mile to school (with her not alone by the way) rather than drive the seven minute journey. I was literally forced into a running club and swimming lessons after school, so I would like to say the fitness life chose me, but the real truth is, it was thrust upon me from my early years thanks to my mums health obsession haha.
Did you always know you wanted to work in the fitness industry?
No, ironically my sister was a personal trainer and hated it. I had no interest in it whatsoever; I worked in broadcast PR previously. My degree was in PR and marketing, but I’ve literally done every job under the sun in between.
We often link fitness and working out to physical advancement, can you speak a bit about what your fitness journey has done for you mentally?
Fitness literally talked me off a cliff edge. I was in a very toxic relationship and was seriously unhappy in my life when I first started going to the gym properly. It is everything to me. Mentally nothing has had a more positive impact on me than fitness. I know that sounds soppy but it’s true.
You have worked with celebrities including Maya Jama and Neelam Gill, how did you turn your passion into a business?
I think people have to be prepared to put in the graft. The key word is passion. I usually work seven days a week and often, fourteen-hour days. Don’t aim for celebrity clientele, focus on the clients who will pay your bills and who really want to change their lifestyle. Transformations are the best recommendation you can get. Celebs will come later!
What advice can you give aspiring personal trainers who are beginning their journey?
I would advise that they start with minimal overheads, and potentially continue working part time at a job that can pay their bills until they build up enough clients to go freelance. Utilise parks, or gyms you can pay a client into as you go. If you’re looking for a gym space, many don’t ask for rent but ask for an exchange of working hours – this is a good place to start. You don’t want to get yourself in debt with extortionate rent as your kickstart of a new career.
You recently collaborated with dermatologist Dr. Anita Sturnham to create a workout routine that boosts skin radiancy. Can you speak about the link between exercise and healthy skin?
Long story short, the relation between bad skin and exercise – is a combination of sweat and the stress hormone cortisol. Many factors can contribute to stress, including exercises, especially when pushing your body to its limits. So the best exercises for skin are things such as low impact resistance training, yoga and core work – encouraging healthy blood circulation and minimising production of cortisol. Alongside a good cleansing skincare routine before and after working out.
We really admire the way you transitioned your business during the pandemic. Your group exercise classes have amassed over 8,000 attendees and an engaged community. What was your strategy to ensure it was a success?
Thanks guys! 9300 now, it’s insane! There was really no strategy. It’s funny because so many other trainers followed suit once I’d set my structure and price plan so now it has kind of become the ‘industry norm’ for online workout services during this pandemic! I just thought at the time, I need to pay my bills, I’ve been doing this for free, what’s an amount that’s fair. So initially it was £15 a month for 6 classes a week all taught by me. Which worked out to around 62p a class. I have naturally grown it to reflect the changing mood of the country, adding more evening and early morning classes as the economy opens up little by little. So this week, for example we have 13 trainers and 30 classes in one week. Still for £15 a month. So I’m trying to consistently add value whilst keeping the price affordable.
For those who haven’t joined the Body By Ciara Squad yet, what can they expect?
High energy, amazing trainers and good vibes. We cover everything from meditation, yoga and pilates – to sweaty HIIT and targeted weights sessions, all from the comfort of your own home.
Is this something you will be continuing post lockdown?
As long as people want it – I’m here!
Other than working out, how are you keeping yourself motivated and entertained during lockdown?
Drinking lots of pink gin and learning to actually walk places instead of jumping in the car!
A lot of us are inspired by your work ethic and physique. Who inspires you?
Hmm good question – career; I’m inspired by my best friend Sinead Harnett (she’s an amazing singer and bloody hard worker), my good friend Irene Agbontaen founder of TTYA and the ultimate hustler, and Conna Walker, founder of House of CB. As well as my mum. My mum is one of the hardest workers I know, she’s always had 2 if not 3 jobs, and never ever complains. Body wise - JLo, come on, she’s fifty!
What are your top tips to staying consistent with workouts and reaching your body goals?
Don’t make it optional. It’s a question of am I going to workout – it’s when am I going to workout. And don’t keep bad food in your house. You will eat it.
What’s next for Ciara London, and what can we expect from you in the next two years?
I’m coming for Barry’s Bootcamp. Watch this space.
Find Ciara online at @ciaralondon and @bodybyciara.